Back Again!
Welcome back my dear readers and subscribers,
Well it's been a long time since my previous posts and I was busy held up in some of my other works but I am sure that I haven't forgotten you guys. And in addition, I have also come up fresh with new ideas and thoughts which I would like to share with you. And regarding resources, I will be discussing the various other resources along with my tourism. I would also like to share some of the recreational activity for those who feel boring during this lock down. Well, this is a hard period of time but it is still for our welfare, to be safe and healthy. Let's now discuss the activities in detail.

1. Craft - We all have been learning craft since our childhood and we always wanted to while the time by doing such things. During this lock down we can recreate our childhood by learning or doing some origami, bead works and some decoration ideas. This also enhances our right  part of the brain  being the creative  part.  Well the disadvantage is that, we have to get those craft stuff from the store and it is not safer to do so. But what I can suggest you is that, you can make use of the newspapers, old stuff and the waste papers available in your home and this would ensure that you don't buy anything in excess after the lock down and also supports recycling.

2. Robotics - As we all know, robotics is the futuristic scope of all, in fact it is one step ahead than us because if the robots take over, then humans might tend to lose their jobs. The word 'robot' is derived from the word 'Robota' meaning a servant. But I also propose that humans are greater than the robots. It is the humans who developed the robots and are still developing and programming. The advantage is that, they make  our daily basis much easier. I understand, it is not easy to learn robotics without the practical application and implements, without the materials and all that kind of stuff but it important to learn the basics first, so you can first learn the coding, the types of robots and all. And then, once the lock down is put down  you can try implementing them if you still have interest  by getting the parts through online shopping. You can also make some robots to fulfill your  daily needs. And a fact says that, Robots can accomplish up to 60% of our daily works. You can also feel proud in learning anything new if you haven't learnt any until now.

3.  Sporting Activities - With my experience, I claim that, even now most of you are keen to play during this lock down, especially kids who have been playing in the colonies. But it has to be limited inside. Well, I suggest you to try all the sports possible because most of you are familiar with cricket, other than that, there are many other sports that can be tried indoors. My suggestions will be Table Tennis, Kabaddi, Chess, squash and a few of the board games like Monopoly, Scotland Yard, Uno Cards, Sequence, word scramble and few such. This would help you to concentrate better on any work you do and also develop a sporting spirit towards all games. I would also suggest you not to access the television, the smartphone or any other devices for more than 5-6 hours, instead you can spend time by doing these activities. I understand, it is not easier for office goers and students as online classes and meetings have become active nowadays, but you can always spare some of your  valuable time towards these. Being an adult, you can also spend your time with your kids, playing these games with them.

4. Enhancing the habit of a hobby - It is common in most of the kids, to maintain a hobby from their childhood. But it is slightly different from what we are going to discuss about. As you all know, kids have the habit of collecting all those they've come across, like the movie and the train tickets, coins, stamps, cards and also stationary items. But what I am trying to say is that, you can try to develop a habit of doing the daily chores, like cleaning the house, cooking, washing your own clothes and a few of them adds up. As a responsible kid, it is essential to learn the basics of cooking and washing and cleaning. I am sure that these might help in your career towards some point of time, probably when you work in a place out of your country or a place far away from your residence where you end up in staying in some other place, in such circumstances, these might help you. Then it also enhances your ability to act towards various situations where you may have to get down and do the work yourself. And also your fitness increases on doing them regularly.

5. A bit lazy, but something useful - I am sure, this heading creates the sense of curiosity in you, but this is a general topic. You can also spend your valuable time by watching some good movies and TV series, this is not that advisable but still if you feel you can't do any of the work listed and anything apart from these, you can always try the lazy mode! But what my suggestion is, watch something useful, something that really has some good values or something that is worth watching. That is, it may be the acting that pleased you to watch the movie or some special effects, say for example, the graphics, the 3D version. And at times, you can consider watching science fiction movies. They have good concepts as well as the effects. On the contrary, it is always easier to criticize any movie but it is not easier to shoot one such. So, respect every movie, whether it is good or bad. You can also consider watching good TV series that are streaming online. But the main concept is that, spend your time usefully devoid of any wastage.

So, that's what I've got for you in this post, this is actually something different from our topic, but since we are under lock down, I thought of presenting something new and useful. I am sure that I will also  resume  the resources' topics and the topics we have been discussing earlier. At last, if you like my post, please consider subscribing, do follow and do not hesitate to comment on this topic using the comments section provided and you can also contact me directly by making use of the contact form in the burger key option. Enjoy the rest of your day! 


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