Laterite Soil
We have been talking about few types of soil, which are actually land resources. Similarly, this post too speaks about the same. You might have guessed it right......yes......the laterite soil is what we are gonna see about. Well, this is a bit complicated, that is in terms of the nutrients present, all we've seen is about Mg, Zn, Ca. But do you know......Laterite soil contains ferric oxides and bauxites. That is quite rhyming but it lacks lime, magnesia, and nitrogenous content.
Talking about it's distribution, it covers an area of 2.48 lakh in India. By now a feeling of eagerness comes to your mind to know more about the laterite soil. We let me tell you, it is found in the states of West Bengal, Kerala, Assam and Meghalaya. It is widely used only for commercial purposes and for growing tea, cinchona, coffee, rubber, coconut and valuable building materials. And it has quite a lengthy feature. It can be cut easily with a spade but hardens like iron when exposed to air. That is all I have for you in this post, let us meet in my next post.  


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